CBS: Macroeconomics Bonaire

Back2Bonaire foundation since 2007 Forums Actualiteiten CBS: Macroeconomics Bonaire

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  • #6809
    B2B beheerder

    Bonaire’s gross domestic product (GDP)
    increased by 3.0 percent to a value of
    415 million US dollar

    Bonaire’s gross domestic product (GDP)
    increased by 3.0 percent to a value of
    415 million US dollars in 2015. The volume
    grew by 3.4 percent. GDP volume growth is
    calculated by adjusting the value growth for
    inflation on the basis of the consumer price
    index. GDP per capita was 21,700 US dollars
    in 2015, more or less equivalent to
    2012, when Statistics Netherlands
    started measuring GDP for the Caribbean
    Netherlands. Compared to 2014, real GDP
    growth per capita was 0.7 percent in 2015.


    Bonaire’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 3.0 percent to a value of 415 million US dollars in 2015. The volume grew by 3.4 percent. GDP volume growth is calculated by adjusting the value growth for inflation on the basis of the consumer price index. GDP per capita was 21,700 US dollars in 2015, more or less equivalent to 2012, when Statistics Netherlands started measuring GDP for the Caribbean Netherlands. Compared to 2014, real GDP growth per capita was 0.7 percent in 2015.

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